The Death Fields

Time to Pay It Forward!

I've had the incredible opportunity to be a part of this fantastic series from the beginning. The Death Fields is a 6 book series that will keep you on the edge of your seat, while also offering that simmering love story throughout. 

Yes, it's dystopian. Yes, it has zombies, but Angel presents that part of the story in a way which is realistic and complicated and important. This isn't a world where Alex, our heroine, is just fighting zombies, no, she's unraveling how they came to be and what part her own family played. 

It'd be a tragedy of I didn't mention Wyatt and Cole. Though Alex finds her true HEA with one of these guys, both will grab your heart. The development between this leading trio is realistic and has you choosing a favorite, but by the end of the series you'll be so attached that you'll want to see the other reach his true potential too. 

Give them a try!
Book 1 of The Death Fields --The Girl Who Shot First is only 99 cents! Try it with the link below :)


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