A Few Things ...
Covers are coming!
I have my covers loaded onto a post that will follow this one, but I wanted to make a few notes so you'd understand a few things.
1) This is a feeler post. I do have a favorite set here, but I'm also still coordinating with another designer on another option. Hearing some impressions will help me greatly, though. Remember anonymous commenting has been turned on. Anyone who'd prefer to email me their thoughts can do so here: 89fyrebyrd@gmail.com
2) Please look deep at the designs. The elements chosen are ones that, for me, mean something to the books. I'm not sure everything will be apparent with just a cursory glance, though I suppose it's possible.
3) The covers have to be chosen as a set. There's a progression in the designs, and in particular a darker to lighter aspect, as I think book 1 is the heaviest, even though we still face the sick little boy later.
4) The text on covers 2 and 3 in all sets is still subject to change, as this was spur of the moment wording to create the designs, and even varies through the sets. Set 3's coloring for font is set, but finding the perfect one has been elusive, therefore it's paused here as I'd like some thoughts before investing more time--in any of them.
Thanks ahead of time for anyone who takes the time to respond, and I hope you like the direction I've taken. Naked man chest is soooo not my thing :P
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