
Set 1

 Set 2

 Set 3


  1. I'll be honest. Set 3 seems like there's a lot going on, which creates confusion.

    Set 1 is good in that regard--clear, precise. But somehow it seems... a little too minimalistic.

    Set 2 would be my pick of the lot. It achieves a balance between 'too little' and 'too much' and seems just right. The DNA is front and centre, clearly representing that part of the story, which, in my opinion, is a very good thing.

    One humble suggestion: I know you said you still have to work on these, so when you do, please do take the font of the title into consideration.
    Even in Set 2--my pick--I get the feeling that there's not enough information to get a clue about the genre of the story. While there is the scientific aspect of the DNA, there's also a lot of familial emotions, right? Science fiction is not the only genre at play here. Maybe the font/colour scheme could be used depict that touch of softness in the story--romance, love, family ties.

    I'm not a graphic expert, so I'm sorry if this is not enough information, but I hope I'm at least giving you something to go on and extrapolate.

    Wishing you all the best in your upcoming ventures.


    1. Thank you so much for leaving your input :) I'll definitely give it consideration.

  2. You already know my opinion. I like set 3 ;p

  3. I like the first one the best. The bottom one is definitely too busy , the middle one just doesn't get the point. I like the top one. It's clear and the turns are actually sharp! I don't know why that's important to me but it is! I hope this helps.

    1. I literally LOVED that set when they were first created! That book 1 option *sighs*, but the DNA idea came along (and it's a more fitting "idea" for the story), it had to be pursued. Set 2 is def not in the running, and set 3 is being modified to try to un-busy it some--I do think they're pretty, but can agree with the busy.

      Oh, but now there's a new set in the works, so I'll be back! Please come back and comment then . Thank you!


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