
Showing posts from December, 2017

Anna Belle Rose

The Long Road to Publication – by Anna Belle Rose Years and years ago, actually decades ago, I was a stay-at-home mom for a bit, with my then youngest child who would not fall asleep at nap time. Over time, I realized that while he wouldn’t sleep, he would sit in his crib for a bit each afternoon, listening to Yanni at the Acropolis, looking at story books, and I could sit and write. And write I did. I wrote and wrote and wrote over many months. By then, my youngest was talking, and he somehow understood that Mommy was writing a book, and he kept nagging me to keep going. And I did. Fast forward many years, and I’d keep opening the word file of that first novel, print it out, edit and revise, and eventually send it out to a few agents. Rejections would come in, and I’d put it away for a while, then that same son would poke at me again, and the process would start all over again. During this same time, I also started several other novels, and kept working on them in the sam...

Jaci Wheeler

Silent Song coming to life by Jaci Wheeler         Many authors I know pull from events or people from their own lives for inspiration or storyline. I’ve never been that way personally. I’m an extremely private person by nature, so its very unusual for me to use any of myself in my books. That is actually my favorite thing about writing, I’m able to fully create worlds and people out of thin air. It allows you to become whoever you want for the moment. I usually create a main character who is nothing like me because it allows me to be and do all the things I’ve always wanted to.             I ’ve had a very eventful life. Those who know me well always ask why I’ve never drawn from my real life for a novel, since my life is pretty much a lifetime movie. The idea of writing anything close to home has always been completely horrifying for me. (Super private remember?)     ...


Sharp Left Turn reset:  By choosing to publish with Pronoun, I thought as an author I was taking back some of the power Amazon likes to wield so heavily over authors. And it was all good--in theory. But, only a week or so after I set it for pre-order, Pronoun announced they were done, finito, kaput. So this left authors scrambling. I chose to stick with them for a while longer and not have my pre-orders cancelled.  Then last week, the savior that is Amazon, sent an e-mail, seemingly coming to our rescue. They were actually going to help. Yeah, not so much for me. By failing to inform us of the procedure we needed to follow, they basically just got my business and gave nothing in return.  What does all this mean, you ask? Nothing really since anyone reading this probably got their copy already. But for me, it means Sharp Left Turn's history has been erased. There's no "what others bought" list to point people to Sharp Right Turn, and I'm not even positiv...