Sharp Left Turn reset:
By choosing to publish with Pronoun, I thought as an author I was taking back some of the power Amazon likes to wield so heavily over authors. And it was all good--in theory. But, only a week or so after I set it for pre-order, Pronoun announced they were done, finito, kaput. So this left authors scrambling. I chose to stick with them for a while longer and not have my pre-orders cancelled.
Then last week, the savior that is Amazon, sent an e-mail, seemingly coming to our rescue. They were actually going to help. Yeah, not so much for me. By failing to inform us of the procedure we needed to follow, they basically just got my business and gave nothing in return.
What does all this mean, you ask? Nothing really since anyone reading this probably got their copy already. But for me, it means Sharp Left Turn's history has been erased. There's no "what others bought" list to point people to Sharp Right Turn, and I'm not even positive anyone who has the first copy and chooses to review will be able to find it without searching Amazon for it, as the original purchase link no longer exists.
It's a little bit of a bummer, but I'll live. I just wanted to reaffirm the links to both Sharp Left Turn and Sharp Right Turn for anyone interested, and also add that they're both Kindle Unlimited available now, or SRT will be when it releases.
Thank you all so much for everything, and I hope those who bought and read will take the time to leave me a review. You can't imagine how nerve-wracking it is to wonder what people think of the updated version.
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