
I'd like to begin this blog with a little about myself. 

First of all, I like purple, pink and all colors in between :) 

Faye Byrd is tiny blue dot in the red Deep South. She lives in a small town with her husband of almost twenty-five years and a couple pit bulls. Aside from writing, her other time is mostly spent with her only grandchild, spoiling him rotten then sending him back to his mama. 

Reading has always brought her joy, but it's only through the incredible imagination of Stephenie Meyer that her own passion was able to burst forth. Her writing roots were only a tiny seed when she entered the Twilight fandom as a reader, but over the years, the seed has taken root and spread into a sprawling tree. She loves to create distinct characters in a wide array of settings and doesn't ever want to limit herself by a genre. 

Though her debut novel is set in the Wild West, she has many more worlds left to share with her readers. The common thread through all her writing is love.

My debut novel is Wanted Dead or Alive by Faye Byrd, an it is available on Amazon. 

“How’d ya get that wound, Nathan?” she asks, brow raised. 

“Ran into some trouble ‘bout a day’s ride from here,” I respond truthfully. “But don’t worry, the other guy didn’t make it.” I smirk. She may not need a know all my business, but I don’t want her thinking I can’t be dangerous. 

At seventeen, Nathan King’s living a hard but proud life with his ma and pa on the family farm. One fateful day, it all comes crumbling down, and he’s only got two paths in front of him. Right and wrong. The six-year journey that follows makes him infamous, but it’s his run in with Josephine Hess that teaches him the true meaning of life. Together, they travel the West, assisting those in need, all the while trying to stay one step ahead of those looking to take ‘em in.



  1. I can always depend on y'all :) XOXOXO

  2. Love this! Congrats on the published novel. I loved it as well as the FF story.

    1. Yayy! Thank you! And I'm so glad to see you here. My newest announcements will be here first. Alongside posts like the one today. Raving over great books I've read. <3


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